The following sequences are part of Learning Unit 1. You are suggested to learn them in the following order:
Idle I (form)
Blitz II (form)
Blitz I (form)
Garrison I (form)
Blitz IV
Blitz IV-c (form)
Garrison II (form)
To learn a sequence, pull down the appropriate video from the playlist button in the video window. To see the sequence’s grading sheet, click (form). They contain a move list and some of the criteria that will determine your score. Sequences that do not have a form will not be graded. However, they are useful stepping stones to the next sequence which will be graded.
When you are ready to be evaluated, click the button below to upload a video.
Unit 1 of our learning program, in the suggested order of completion. These videos are continually being worked on and updated.
To make the best video possible, be sure to include the following steps:
Make sure you have enough space to perform at your best, without fear of tripping or hitting something you don’t intend to. Make sure that your entire body will be visible, including your head and feet, or your video may be ungradeable.
Salute before you begin.
Perform the sequence at least twice, once from a front-facing view toward the camera and once from a side view.
Salute when you are done.
Please try to label your video file with your name and the sequence you are performing.
Submit your video at the link above.